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You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment.  And the second is like it, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."


Sexual integrity issues and sexual addiction are red flags that indicate a loss of love for the self, others, and God.   When issues of life that lead to these mindsets and choices are healed and truth is embraced the opportunity is there to live the life God has created you to live. 

What are Sexual Integrity Issues?

Sexual integrity issues are mindsets and behaviors that inhibit any type of healthy connection in marriage that can and often lead to addiction. 

It's those mindsets and behaviors that break oneness in marriage and break the marriage covenant. 

This list is extensive and it's not limited to just this list.  We include all these behaviors because many of these mindsets and behaviors have been taught as normal and accepted in lives of believers instead of identifying them as the lies that they are. 


These can include but are not limited to:

*Believing men need sex

*Believing men are born with a struggle to lust

*Using a spouse to "control" a sex drive- using spouse for orgasm 

*Having sex with spouse without pleasuring spouse as well

*Forcing or manipulating a spouse to do sexual acts that they are not comfortable with. Oral sex being one of the most common acts spouses are not ok with. 

*Fantasizing during sex instead of being present with spouse

*Expecting, demanding, or manipulating to get sex from a spouse

*Engaging in secret sexual mindsets and behaviors 

*Feeling entitled to sex

*Looking at others to appreciate their looks/appearance-to lust

*Objectifying others for fantasy in the mind

*Entertaining sensual/sexual dreams

*Imagining being married to someone other than your spouse


*Not being emotionally available for a spouse and the inability to have sex with a spouse due to the sex drive being satisfied in other ways outside of the marriage.

*Emotional affair- having a very close, emotionally intimate relationship with someone other than your spouse.  Feeling attracted emotinally to someone of a different sex or the same sex and becoming enmeshed with them emotionally.  Becoming obsessed with pursueing relationship with them. 

*Searching out or choosing to notice immodest pictures in magazines, catalogs, on-line, in books or on billboards

*Imagining someone naked

*Reading romance novels to get turned-on

*Porn Use- alone or with spouse

*Judging how others dress/modest-immodest.  Using your determination of what is immodest as an excuse to lust, fantasize, masturbate or any other means of acting out. 

*Pouting, depression, fear, suspicion, blaming, criticism, resentment, anger towards a spouse for not meeting perceived sexual "needs". 

*Sex with someone other than your spouse- adultery, fornication, sexual immorality

*Sex with someone other than your spouse- threesomes or more, orgies

*Swinging- trading spouses

*Cyber Sex, phone sex, hook-ups over the internet

*Criticizing and blaming a spouse sexually


*Anything that promotes extortion of another person and objectifying a person's body: dance clubs, strip clubs, prostitution, escorts, pornography.

*Seeing one spouse as the submitter sexually and one as entitled




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©2021 by AP Farm

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