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Recovery Groups for Men & Women

We offer groups for men desiring healing from lust issues and sexual addiction and groups for betrayed wives in recovery due to their husbands unhealthy sexual mindsets and behaviors.  Our recovery groups focus on growth and maturity and are not necessarily the typical "check-in" type of group. Husbands will learn that typically there is a catalyst that led them to their struggles and mindset and wives will learn they are stronger than they know, both will be provided a path to healing if they choose that path.  It is a very difficult journey but also something believers are called to. We are to understand what it means to "put on the righteousness of Messiah".   We are to shine the light of Yeshua to this dark world.  That light shines very bright in a marriage that has been repaired through the months and years long process of submitting to the handiwork of Yeshua's healing to make the marriage and the husband and wife in it whole, often for the first time. 

The next groups begin January 2025 over Zoom. 

Our groups are 16 weeks long and are limited to 5 participants.

Contact us if you are interested in being added to a group. 

Information about each group is listed below. 

There is no charge to be part of our groups.  We are a pay it forward mission. 

©2021 by AP Farm

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